H-JAPAN (E): Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb
Author: Uday Mohan
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 15:28:17 -0500
November 30, 1996
I'd like to thank the H-Japan moderators for keeping open the thread on
responses to the review of _The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb_. The
H-Diplo coeditors decided without warning some time ago to end the
discussion that was taking place. Rather disturbingly, H-Diplo refused
the post I had prepared (a slightly shorter version of the one below)
because it reached them an hour after the decision to terminate the
exchanges went out to the list (along with two more attacks on
Alperovitz). (H-Diplo says it will open that thread only when Gar
Alperovitz responds.) Here then is a response I had prepared some time
ago, with additional material on some issues Professor Villa has since
raised. I'm also grateful to find the H-Japan moderators much more
concerned than the H-Diplo coeditors and moderators about toning down ad
hominem attacks.
I wish, quite frankly, that Professor Villa was as careful as he is
energetic in replying to a-bomb posts. In his continuing effort to
construct his version of Gar Alperovitz, he has recently resorted to
using an article by Stephen Shalom, who we are told by Professor Villa
is both a lefty and ruthlessly honest, unlike ... Alperovitz. I invite
H-Japan readers to read Shalom's fine article and compare it to all of
Professor Villa's descriptions of it. (The article is available at
Professor Shalom's home page:
I think they will find the following:
--Professor Villa says that Shalom, in "The Obliteration of Hiroshima,"
_New Politics_, No. 21, 1996, "notes, obliquely, Alperovitz's reluctance
to fully concede that left ideologues in the Washington bureaucracy
blocked a formal concession on the retention of the Emperor." Professor
Shalom says nothing of the sort. Nor does he take issue with
Alperovitz's claim that Acheson and MacLeish (Professor Villa's left-
wing ideologues) were not influential in the State Department.
Professor Shalom appears to be making a different point: That Acheson
and MacLeish held a view that was a majority view at State. Moreover,
one would not know from Professor Villa's writing that in agreeing with
Professor Shalom, Professor Villa is really only agreeing with himself.
To make his point, Professor Shalom gives Professor Villa's 1976 article
as a source, and Professor Villa takes the opportunity to complete a
--Professor Villa then makes this incorrect statement: "In an extended
note on page 175 Shalom notes that Alperovitz mentions some of this left
ideological opposition but gives it less than fulsome treatment."
Professor Shalom says _nothing_ of the kind. In his footnote Professor
Shalom quotes substantially from material cited in Alperovitz, as well
as, more briefly, Takaki, Lifton/Mitchell, and Yavenditti (a cite, not
a quote). He says or implies _absolutely nothing_ about adequacy of
--Professor Villa: Shalom, with obvious left sympathies "does not
hesitate to speak of the 'flawed political reasoning on the left [that]
led directly to horrendous moral positions.'" What Professor Shalom is
speaking about when he says this is that the "liberal press favored
unconditional surrender and was willing to sanction conventional
obliteration and atomic bombings to achieve this objective." As
Professor Villa notes, Professor Shalom adds that there were "noble
exceptions: among them Dwight MacDonald, Norman Thomas, the anti-
Stalinist socialist left, and the pacifist and religious press."
Frankly I don't know what Professor Villa is getting at here when he
quotes Professor Shalom approvingly. If he's finally coming around to
a position that Alperovitz endorses--that inflexibility on unconditional
surrender could lead to sanctioning of the atomic bomb--I'm glad to hear
--Professor Villa appears to like Shalom the writer and the article. I
wonder how this squares with an exceptionally clear position that
Professor Shalom takes in his article: "Aside from the question of why
U.S. leaders used the bomb, there are other historical controversies:
for example, why did Japanese leaders surrender when they did and would
they have done so in the absence of the bomb? These are interesting and
significant questions, but it is important to see that these are not
directly relevant to answering either the moral/political question of
the bomb's justifications or the historical questions of why the bomb
was dropped. ... [W]hat went on in Tokyo is strictly irrelevant to what
Truman and his advisers knew (or, more accurately, what they believed).
Suppose Truman believed that the Japanese were prepared to surrender but
decided to drop the bombs anyway. If ... Japanese leaders were not in
fact prepared to surrender ... this has no bearing on our moral judgment
of Truman's action nor on our understanding of why he did it." (155-6)
And again: "the real question is not whether the Japanese would have
accepted particular terms but whether U.S. officials thought they
would." (168) Professor Villa has been continuously berating Gar
Alperovitz (quite wrongly--I believe--as the quotes above from Professor
Shalom would indicate) for emphasizing American perceptions over after-
the-fact information about Japanese intentions. But he offers not so
much as a peep of criticism about this with Professor Shalom. Why the
double standard?
I don't know what to chalk all these problems up to, but these sorts of
problems seem to recur in Professor Villa's posts, as I note below. But
first let me address some left over issues with John Bonnett's review.
In John Bonnett's review and reply he cautions against the notion that
documents speak for themselves.(1) And yet in these posts he takes
issue with Alperovitz largely through the authority of documents,
without checking them against his proposed analogies-and-schemas frame
of reference, the very thing he cautions Alperovitz and others against
doing. More important, Bonnett's use of evidence in these documents--in
the form of a few brief quotes from Harvey Bundy, Byrnes, Grew,
Forrestal, and the CCS--is highly problematic, because he misrepresents
Alperovitz's book and contradicts his own injunction against the
selective use of evidence.
I pointed out in my original response, for example, that despite Grew's
public denial of serious peace feelers Grew privately urged that there
was a substantial likelihood for early surrender if assurances were
given for the Emperor. Bonnett notes only Grew's public denial, but
this hardly helps one understand Grew's belief that diplomacy was
reasonably likely to bring about Japanese surrender. Alperovitz notes
both Grew's public denial but also his consistent desire--e.g., in late
May, mid June, late June, and mid July--to provide assurances for the
Emperor to help clear the way for Japanese surrender.
I also pointed out that in offering the CCS study Bonnett omits to note
that Alperovitz cites the study's point about occupation, but shows the
singularity of the unconditional surrender issue for both sides.
Bonnett replied that "contrary to Mohan, Alperovitz _did not_ state all
the points made in CCS 643/3." But Alperovitz _does_, on p. 227 (the
index easily leads us to this page). More important, though, are the
issues that Sanho Tree and Katie Morris have raised in their posts about
Bonnett's specific use of the CCS study. Bonnett misses the CCS study's
emphasis on the status of the Emperor rather than occupation, and the
way the CCS study was used by planners. And thus Bonnett's use of the
CCS study as a critical piece of evidence for his argument is
To be sure, the Japanese wanted to concede the minimum to end the war;
what losing nation doesn't? But the issue here is what American leaders
understood as the main sticking point to Japanese surrender. And from
May onward the answer is clear: assurances for the emperor. This is
hardly a novel position. Many scholars have made this point, for
example, Leon Sigal: "one point was clear to senior U.S. officials
regardless of where they stood on war termination.... U.S. senior
officials knew that the critical condition for Japan's surrender was the
assurance that the throne would be preserved." (quoted in Alperovitz, p.
301) And most of the top leaders were willing to offer assurances as
Alperovitz shows in his book. (Katie Morris also convincingly pointed
this out in her posts. She shows the flaws in, e.g., the arguments put
forward by Professor Villa and others about Marshall moving toward
Byrnes's inflexibility regarding unconditional surrender. And as she
says, "it is no less than misrepresentation to suggest that MacLeish,
Acheson, Hopkins, Bohlen, Harriman, and Hull held more weight than
Marshall, Leahy, the Joint Chiefs as a body, Stimson, Forrestal, Grew,
[and] even McCloy who basically ran the war department for Stimson ...")
It bears repeating, though, that the language Professor Villa finds so
troubling--that key Truman advisers except Byrnes were willing to
clarify terms by offering assurances for the emperor--is accurate. To
try to rebut this by misinterpreting Marshall or providing a list of
second echelon voices, some of whom _may_ have wanted to go another way
does not do justice to the debate. Hull, for example, did not object to
issuing assurances; he was more concerned about the _timing_ of
assurances, wanting to link them to a blow such as Russian entry. And
to Byrnes, Hull was not a central figure. (Alperovitz, 307-8)
Bonnett's wholesale and rather outrageous charge about Alperovitz's
selective use of memoirs also misses the mark. Clear reasons are given
in _The Decision_ about why the memoirs of Truman, Stimson, and Byrnes
should be treated with skepticism. And the book also provides evidence,
wartime and after, to help corroborate the postwar judgments of many
military leaders that the bomb was not necessary. One may disagree with
the arguments laid out, but to suggest that Alperovitz dismisses or
accepts postwar memoirs without evidentiary reason is grossly
inaccurate. Nor is it clear how Bonnett escapes the problem he imputes
to Alperovitz. Bonnett doesn't say, for example, why he prefers Harvey
Bundy's postwar recollections to, say, Joseph Grew's, or those of many
others with memories that challenge the necessity of the bomb, and whose
judgments occupy several chapters in the book. Given these problems, how
exactly is Bonnett's review a useful reconsideration of _The Decision_?
The significant question for Bonnett in his review was What were the
perceptions of American policymakers? In his reply and that of
Professor Villa's, the question suddenly shifts to What were _Japanese_
leaders perceiving? This is another important question, but the two
issues should not be confused as Stephen Shalom, for example, has
written in the article Professor Villa has found so useful.
>From various sources--such as Truman's diary ("telegram from Jap Emperor
asking for peace," p. 238) and Walter Brown's diary ("Aboard Augusta/
President, Leahy, JFB [Byrnes] agrred [sic] Japas [sic] looking for
peace.... President afraid they will sue for peace through Russia
instead of some country like Sweden," p. 415)--it seems clear that
Truman thought that Japanese leaders were asking for, or looking for, or
perhaps getting ready to sue for peace. And there were three months
still available before an invasion in November could begin. Taken with
all the other evidence presented in _The Decision_, including the
perceived importance of offering assurances for the Emperor and the
devastating impact on Japan of impending Russian entry, it seems most
logical to suggest that to Truman it appeared that the bomb was not the
only reasonable option for bringing about Japanese surrender, but that
he chose this option nonetheless. This is obvious logic, but apparently
not to the bomb-was-necessary school. But how else can these writers
explain the significant postwar dissent of several top military leaders-
-both in private and in public, in memoirs and in internal military-
historical interviews--except in this context of reasonable options?
These leaders doubted the unique, necessary efficacy of the bomb. As
Alperovitz says, "if America's top military leaders either recommended
or supported the use of the atomic bomb as militarily necessary [and we
have no evidence of this], they gave very little evidence of such
convictions in almost everything most were to say thereafter, both
publicly and privately." (p. 324)
And though there is no direct contemporaneous evidence that military
leaders advised Truman not to use the bomb, there is also no direct
contemporaneous evidence that they advised him to use it--a point often
lost by critics of "revisionist" scholarship. Significant evidence
points in the direction that what military leaders probably felt--as
they so often said--was that it was not necessary.
Although Alperovitz in fact allows that interservice rivalry might be
involved in some statements (p. 367), interservice rivalry as an
explanation for the depth and frequency of the challenge to the notion
of military necessity isn't satisfactory. Many of the key military
dissents cited in _The Decision_ were made publicly while Truman was
still in office. It's hardly politic to try to obtain funding for your
service by suggesting that your commander-in-chief unnecessarily wiped
out two cities. Take, e.g., Halsey: "The first atomic bomb was an
unnecessary experiment.... It was a mistake to ever drop it. Why reveal
a weapon like that to the world when it wasn't necessary? ... [the
scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped
it.... It killed a lot of Japs, but the Japs had put out a lot of peace
feelers through Russia long before." [p. 331] This strong anti-bomb
comment hardly seems motivated by interservice rivalry; moreover it was
partly responsible for the effort to quell postwar anti-bomb dissent
with the publication of Stimson's apologia in _Harper's_ in 1947.
That Truman avoided available diplomatic options partly for strategic
reasons is suggested even by scholars who focus mainly on the question
of Japanese intent. Herbert Bix says: "neither a) American
unwillingness to make a firm, timely statement assuring continuation of
the throne, as Grew had argued for, nor b) the last-minute anti-Soviet
strategic stance of Truman and Byrnes, who probably wanted use of the
atomic bomb rather than diplomatic negotiation, are sufficient, in and
of themselves, to account for use of the bomb, or for Japan's delay in
ending the suicidal conflict. Rather, Emperor Hirohito's reluctance to
face the fait accompli of defeat, and then to act, positively and
energetically, to end hostilities, plus certain official acts and
policies of his government, are what mainly prolonged the war, though
they were not sufficient cause for use of the bomb. In the last
analysis, what counted, on the one hand, was not only the transcendent
influence of the throne, but the power, authority, and unique
personality of its occupant, and on the other, the power, determination,
and unique character of Harry Truman." (Diplomatic History, 1995, 223)
Bix's portrait in his article of a callous Japanese leadership certainly
elicits my anger at that leadership's decision to waste human life
because it wanted to preserve the kokutai. But that portrait doesn't
explain what would have happened if the shock (Bix's word) of Russian
entry had been accompanied by a change in terms (Bix does not address
Alperovitz's two-step argument); neither does it get at Truman's
perception of the endgame; nor does it get at the options that were
available short of taking out an entire city--e.g., a demonstration on
a military installation as General Marshall had suggested.
Furthermore, there is the issue of counterfactuals. To use Bix or
various Japanese sources to say that the Japanese would not have
surrendered before an invasion if Truman had chosen the available
alternatives to bombing Hiroshima, is to make a counterfactual claim.
This, too, is rather obvious, though Professor Villa in his response to
Katie Morris and Thad Williamson somehow seems to believe he is the one
not making counterfactual claims.
If the general recommendation is that all sides of this debate have to
talk more concretely to each other, I couldn't agree more. But then
let's have fair characterizations and full consideration of the work
with which you disagree. It is frustrating to have to repeat
continually the evidence in Alperovitz's book and refer list readers
back to it (and no doubt it gets wearisome to read it).
Professor Villa's mischaracterizations, unfortunately, are quite
substantial, as Thad Williamson and Katie Morris have pointed out. Even
his description of the NBC documentary as demolishing Alperovitz's
thesis is misleading. The conclusions and tone of the documentary are
much more complex than Professor Villa lets on, for the show mentions
Leo Szilard's opposition, the Franck report, Asst. Secretary of the Navy
Ralph Bard's counsel about a demonstration or warning, McCloy's
prescription of terms, Byrnes's anti-Soviet strategizing, and the
Potsdam proclamation's lack of clarity about surrender terms. These
issues inform the overall picture that emerges of the decision, and they
are _not_ simply dismissed, as Professor Villa's characterization would
imply. On the contrary, the 1965 show begins to move public knowledge
in the direction of the Alperovitz argument.
Professor Villa also harks back to conversations he heard twenty and
thirty years ago--perhaps a problematic venture given his misremembering
of the NBC documentary, his attributing one statement to two different
persons in two versions of the same post (on H-Japan and H-Diplo), his
mishandling of Shalom, and his serious misquoting of Alperovitz while
making one of his central points (see Williamson's post)--to suggest
that Alperovitz has known since the early 1960s that the Japanese
evidence disproved his interpretation of why Truman used the bomb. Let
me say once again--and I don't know how to say this any more plainly--
that, logically, however one reads the Japanese evidence, it _cannot_
prove or disprove an interpretation of Truman's motives in dropping the
Professor Villa refers to Gaddis Smith as presiding over these academic
conversations two and three decades ago. I presume Professor Villa
mentions Gaddis Smith by name because he wants to imply that Professor
Smith, perhaps simply by presiding, endorsed the view that Alperovitz's
thesis was unpersuasive because of the Japanese evidence. In any case,
when Gaddis Smith reviewed the updated version of Alperovitz's _Atomic
Diplomacy_ in 1985 in the _New York Times_ he, to quote Marilyn Young,
"pointed to a number of flaws in the book but concluded that, in the
years since its original publication, 'the preponderance of new evidence
... tends to sustain the original argument' that the decision to use
nuclear weapons was 'centrally connected to Truman's confrontational
approach to the Soviet Union.'" (Gaddis Smith, cited in Marilyn Young's
review; see below)
Professor Villa's policing tone is equally troubling. How is it
possible to square his denunciations with the respectful exchanges
others have had with Alperovitz? Barton Bernstein, for example, has
said: "My criticisms of _Atomic Diplomacy_ emerge from respect for both
Alperovitz and his work ..." (_International Security_, Spring 1991, fn
70) In her featured review of Alperovitz's new book Marilyn Young
states, "Few historians I know have taken the central ethical and
historical issues surrounding the first, and thus far only, use of
nuclear bombs as seriously as Alperovitz." (_American Historical
Review_, Dec. 1995, p. 1516) It's easy to pump up language into verbal
overdrive as Professor Villa has done; and given Professor Villa's large
and small misrepresentations and misquoting of Alperovitz that Thad
Williamson, Katie Morris, and I have pointed out, one could characterize
his posts by also going over the top: "Professor Villa's communications
amount to a sea of error that has neither bottom nor shore, and his
evasion when confronted with evidence of serious misquotation merely
adds to already unpleasant brine." But to me this would simply be a way
to use hyperbolic language as a substitute for engagement. Sure the
Japanese side is important, even though Alperovitz's book, as Bonnett
admits, is not primarily about that. Sure one can disagree about where
exactly U.S. leaders stood on offering assurances for the emperor. But
these issues hardly warrant the dismissive tone offered so far. Clearly
Alperovitz has gotten under Professor Villa's skin. Unfortunately,
personal animosity appears, at times, to have adversely affected
Professor Villa's professional judgment.
Uday Mohan American University
Bonnett recommends a research agenda based on cognitive structures to
help remedy the problem of bias. The cognitive structures approach
sounds quite reasonable and interesting. In my original response,
however, I noted that this approach did not guarantee less biased
readings of documents or historical decisionmaking, because a historian
looking at cognitive structures might define the set of problems a
policymaker was dealing with too narrowly. As well, I noted specific
objections to Bonnett's examples of cognitive-based readings of Stimson.
It appears that a cognitive structures approach would have little use
for a genealogy of ruptures or for subtle evidence of dividedness in the
thinking of policymakers. Or for evaluating the willful absurdity of
applying lessons from the past--viz., the Bush administration's
resurrection of WW II in reaction to Saddam Hussein's actions.